Clear Creek Democrats Caucus and Assembly, March 9th and 16th, 2024
The Clear Creek Democrats held its virtual Caucus on March 9, 2024, and held its hybrid Assembly on March 16th.
The hybrid Assembly was convened after Clear Creek County's Local Disaster Emergency Declaration on March 14.
42 Democrats attended the Caucus to select county precinct delegates and hear video presentations from candidates for County Commissioner, CU Regents at Large, District Attorney, State School Board, and State House District 49. Representative Joe Naguse, representing Colorado's Second District, also spoke to the Caucus.
The Assembly was held at the United Center in Idaho Springs and live-streamed over Zoom to accommodate delegates who could not leave their homes due to the snowfall beginning on March 13. A total of 18 delegates participated in the Assembly.
The combined minutes of the Caucus and Assembly are available by clicking the section below.
The Caucus and Assembly proceedings were recorded on Zoom. If you wish to view the recordings, please contact Laurie Beckel, Chair of the Clear Creek Democrats, at lfbdewdrop6852@gmail.com.
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